Well I am home now (alone naturally) I am going to post a letter that I wrote a couple of years back. I wrote this with the intention of submitting it to my schools paper but I never did. You may ask why well because of my apprehention. You may call it lack of confidence in my self or what ever but I never did, still I really do like what I said. Hope you enjoy it. Do not get to bored with me I will liven this up as I get more comfortable with writing for a large audience.
Life or Death
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live.
I work at a convenience store that sells gasoline, and to keep the convenience in convenience store we do not require a person to pre-pay their fuel purchase. The week of Christmas 2003 is one I will not soon forget, in one day we had people drive-off with out paying for their gas for over eighty dollars. Even on Christmas day, I had one person drive-off with out paying for their gas and had one more try to leave without paying. Although, this does not shock me it is quite disturbing to find that some people have no moral value.
I look back upon our society and try to determine when this lack of morality took place, but I cannot come to a set time or place. This has taken place over a long period of time this did not happen over night. In looking back on my nations past, I see where the degeneration of our morals has started to fall. I believe it is traced back to decided issues in our society.
There are three events in our nation that truly is a cause of lost morals in our society. They are the Bible, pray, and abortion. Each one by its self is not the whole cause, but together, they bring disrespect to our nation. A person may know of more then these three but I will limit my self to three.
First, in 1964 the Supreme Courts of our nation said that Bible reading was unconstitutional in schools. Before they handed that decision down, the worst thing a teacher had to discipline was chewing gum in class. I can say with no reservation that chewing gum in class is now one of the least infractions a teacher is correcting. The thoughts were that if a person read the Bible he might actually do what it says like Thou shall not kill.
Next, in 1973 the same Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional to have pray in school. Pray
that the medical community has discovered really works in the healing of the body. In documented studies, persons who receive pray recover better and quicker then those who do not have pray added to their recovery treatment. If I was, sick and any treatment that would help then I would be supportive of that treatment.
Then, in 1974 again the same Supreme Court decided that abortion was legal I know that this is a hot topic of debate among so many persons. Like it is a child, it is a choice, it is a right, or it is murder. The question is what has it done to our society? It has made ever persons life disposable if you doubt that then please remember Jack Kevorkian, Ted Bundy, Michael Daimler or any other person that has had their name in the news because of the hideousness of the crimes they committed.
In contrast, a person will say that there is a separation of church and state in the constitution a person will quote some thing that is not the First Amendment as their burden of proof. The First Amendment states verbatim Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof Read this correctly Congress can not make any law regarding the religion of the country one religion is not to be superior over another that is why we are the greatest country in the world because of our freedom of religion. A famous person in history, Lord Action, said, "Liberty is the highest political end of man... [But] no country can be free without religion." When a person takes religion out of our country it is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
A person scorns one that has character and creed and says that they are old fashion and behind the times. If that is so, then I will never fit in with my fellow peers, for I have morals, creed, and character. Character is what I do when no one sees me, not what I do when people watch me. Creed is a standard that I choose to live by like honesty, faithful, dependable, and courteous. Morals are doing what is right in any situation regardless of the outcome.
In conclusion, will having pray, bible reading, and stopping abortion revitalization our countrys morals I cannot say they will, but I do believe that they could help. I have seen what has happened because of the choices we made as a country. Like our ancestor before us found out the first time they tried to write our constitution, some times it must be rewritten, to be right.
Remember it is "Just Another Beautiful Day in Paradise"