Friday, March 25, 2005

Day 16001

Well what a day!! I sold a car to a person and then went to cash the check at HIS bank. I have only ran into this scenario one other time. The teller told me that I had to put my thumb print on the check before they would cash it!!! Now please tell me were does the bank have ANY legal authority to collect finger prints? Now you can call me crazy or paranoid but I WILL NOT give my finger print to no bank!!!!!! Come on people wake up do you not see that the government is taking ALL of our rights away one at a time. I am sure that nobody even knows that the founding father warned the future generation's that if government DID NOT do it's job as out lined in the constitution then we as American citizens were to disband the said government and start over with a new one, but we were to be very careful that what we were doing was not for a selfish cause. I am not a selfish person I want every body to have all of their right under the US constitution. If a person does nothing then they WILL take all of our rights. One of my rights is violated each and every day and so is yours!! If you do not believe in God then you have that right not too. If I do believe in God then that is my right also. Neither one of us have the right to tell the other one that they can or cannot practice their religious beliefs. That is what the FIRST AMENDMENT STATES!!!! Do not give me that uneducated bull about "separation of church and state." SORRY NOT IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS OR THE US CONSTITUTION READ IT YOUR SELF YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING!!!! That is the problem people are to LAZY to think for themselves or read things for themselves. They want to allow some person that has charismatic personality to tell them what some thing means. Hey has every one forgot about Jim Jones and his "Adventure in Jonestown" Or the other idiot Marshall Applewhite and his "Space Ship in the Tail of Halley's Comet." It would be funny if it was not so tragic. People listened to a charismatic person and died because they believed what he said and did not bother to read what the truth was. Do I know ALL of the truth? NO!! I DO NOT!!!!!! I am willing however to look at all sides to any argument and trust myself that I will make the right decision that is necessary.

Well at this point I want to wish my son happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD I hope you have a great day!! I LOVE YOU

Ok that was my sentimental side. Yes I am not always so critical of people. I TRY to still find the good in all people but some people make it very difficult for me to. LOL
Well "Goodnight Gracie"
Remember it is just "Another Beautiful Day in Paradise"

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Day 16000

Well I am on spring break this week WOHOOOO!!!!
I left today to go visit my neice she had twin baby girls in Dec so I wanted to go visit them and get some pics. There was a saying I heard some time back it went something like "A person knows that God want's the world to continue when a new baby is born."I am not sure if that would be true but it is nice to think that way. The baby are so CUTE the look very much alike. If my brother can not tell the differance between them two girls then there is no way that I can LOL It has been a long day for me so I will write more tomorrow.
Have a great day I know that I did
Remember "It is just another beautiful day in paradise"

Monday, March 21, 2005

Day 15997

Well it is just another beautiful day in paradise!!! Just got done reading about the woman in FL. (again). If the Federal Government has the right(as it assumes it does) in this matter then that is taking away the Constitional rights of the states.
I can not help but compare this to the abortion issue in '73 . Back in 1973 the supreme court decided that a child in the womb of a woman was not a person therefore it dose not have the right to life as given by the constitution. This in itself reekes of communism. It was Hitler that decided what race,creed, or religion that survived. Now we have a Government that will decide who lives and who dies. Hey if you are different then what the Government thinks is the right "type" of person then you will die. Or if you are lucky enough to be the right "type" of person then you will live. That is exactly what Hitler done in the 30's. In the 30's if you lived in Germany and you were of a Jewish heritage then would be subject to the most horrific treatment known to mankind at that time. Please tell me what the difference is between the US government of 2005 and the communists Government of the 1930'S. Both decided what "type" of person can live and what "type" of person should die. You did read that there was a 7 month old baby (in Texas no less) that was taken off life support and allowed to die. Now please tell me were in the world was Congress at that time. You cannot use the cliche' that it was not a person because it was not born yet. IT WAS 7 MONTHs OLD!!!!! That child had just as much right to live on life support as Terri Schiavo has, but NO the Government would not intervene in that case. Does anybody else see the hypocrisies in the Government as I do. Or is nobody THINKING!!!
Or maybe nobody cares that a child dies and a 41 year old woman lives.
Has anybody ever thought about the financial implications in this abortion issue. According to the National Right to Life web site there has been over 40,000,000 (40 MILLION) abortions performed since 1973 lets look at a figure that may not be 100% accurate but it will be close
In 1950 1/8 of a person income was paid for taxes And they made about $1500 per year
In the 1990 a person paid 1/3 of their income in taxes and made about $20,000 per year
Now from 1973 until 1990 there were 25,426,000 abortions From 1990 until 2001 there were 15,385,820 abortions. Now assuming that each one of these unborn persons lived and did not start working until they were 17 years old each one would have made an average of about $25,824 per year that is $7,222,865,524,000 ( 7 Trillion Dollars) that would mean the Government would have collected about 2 Trillion dollars in tax's alone in ONE YEAR from these unborn people. That is more then the Government SPENT in 1992 (Goverment spend 1.45 trillion dollars in 1992) Now I will not go on and do the calculations for the period from 1990 until 2001. You do the math and you will see that it cost America money to abort babies. From an economic stand point it foolish to continue this self destruction. Want to know how they can fix Social Security? Quit killing them before they are born!!
Well have a beautiful day!!!

Day 15996

Well I am home now (alone naturally) I am going to post a letter that I wrote a couple of years back. I wrote this with the intention of submitting it to my schools paper but I never did. You may ask why well because of my apprehention. You may call it lack of confidence in my self or what ever but I never did, still I really do like what I said. Hope you enjoy it. Do not get to bored with me I will liven this up as I get more comfortable with writing for a large audience.

Life or Death

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live.

I work at a convenience store that sells gasoline, and to keep the convenience in convenience store we do not require a person to pre-pay their fuel purchase. The week of Christmas 2003 is one I will not soon forget, in one day we had people drive-off with out paying for their gas for over eighty dollars. Even on Christmas day, I had one person drive-off with out paying for their gas and had one more try to leave without paying. Although, this does not shock me it is quite disturbing to find that some people have no moral value.
I look back upon our society and try to determine when this lack of morality took place, but I cannot come to a set time or place. This has taken place over a long period of time this did not happen over night. In looking back on my nation’s past, I see where the degeneration of our morals has started to fall. I believe it is traced back to decided issues in our society.
There are three events in our nation that truly is a cause of lost morals in our society. They are the Bible, pray, and abortion. Each one by its self is not the whole cause, but together, they bring disrespect to our nation. A person may know of more then these three but I will limit my self to three.
First, in 1964 the Supreme Courts of our nation said that Bible reading was unconstitutional in schools. Before they handed that decision down, the worst thing a teacher had to discipline was chewing gum in class. I can say with no reservation that chewing gum in class is now one of the least infractions a teacher is correcting. The thoughts were that if a person read the Bible he might actually do what it says like “Thou shall not kill.”
Next, in 1973 the same Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional to have pray in school. Pray… that the medical community has discovered really works in the healing of the body. In documented studies, persons who receive pray recover better and quicker then those who do not have pray added to their recovery treatment. If I was, sick and any treatment that would help then I would be supportive of that treatment.
Then, in 1974 again the same Supreme Court decided that abortion was legal I know that this is a hot topic of debate among so many persons. Like it is a child, it is a choice, it is a right, or it is murder. The question is what has it done to our society? It has made ever persons life disposable if you doubt that then please remember Jack Kevorkian, Ted Bundy, Michael Daimler or any other person that has had their name in the news because of the hideousness of the crimes they committed.
In contrast, a person will say that there is a separation of church and state in the constitution a person will quote some thing that is not the First Amendment as their burden of proof. The First Amendment states verbatim Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof Read this correctly Congress can not make any law regarding the religion of the country one religion is not to be superior over another that is why we are the greatest country in the world because of our freedom of religion. A famous person in history, Lord Action, said, "Liberty is the highest political end of man... [But] no country can be free without religion." When a person takes religion out of our country it is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
A person scorns one that has character and creed and says that they are old fashion and behind the times. If that is so, then I will never fit in with my fellow peers, for I have morals, creed, and character. Character is what I do when no one sees me, not what I do when people watch me. Creed is a standard that I choose to live by like honesty, faithful, dependable, and courteous. Morals are doing what is right in any situation regardless of the outcome.
In conclusion, will having pray, bible reading, and stopping abortion revitalization our country’s morals I cannot say they will, but I do believe that they could help. I have seen what has happened because of the choices we made as a country. Like our ancestor before us found out the first time they tried to write our constitution, some times it must be rewritten, to be right.
Remember it is "Just Another Beautiful Day in Paradise"

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Day 15996

Well I am setting at school today. I just got done reading about how the government has issued a bill to keep Terri Schiavo alive in FL. This also shows how far this government has gone wrong. It is not the job of the Federal governed to make choices like that. That falls under the state rights. People are posting on the Yahoo web site all kinds of thing about this subject most are just calling each others names. Some really do realize that what the government is doing is wrong, but those people get called all of the bad names. I try to look at this as what is the right thing to do. She has been kept alive for all of these years with artificial help with little or no improvement, so the question would be how long do Doctors continue to try? The sad facts are that Doctors no longer take the "Oath of Hippocrates" They only do what the money pays for or what will protect them selves from a law suite. I want to know what happened to morality in this nation? This is more of any moral issue then it is a political issue. That is were the true problems is we live in a country that has lost it's morals. Well it does not matter to me what school, government, police, or parents say I WILL NOT COMPROMISE WITH MY MORALS. 100 years ago rape, murder, robberies, lies were not as prelavent as in today's society. Back then a person need not lock their house when they left. They could go to town or were ever and not have to worry about their possessions. If nothing else their neighbor would look after their place. Today you can lock everything you possess up and the government (if no body else) will steal it from you. A man had his own pride ( A true gentleman) he would never lie, steal, or cheat. Yes for all of you narrow minded people out there I am a gentleman today. Just in case you are not sure what a gentleman is allow me to educate you. ...The word "gentleman" came in common use to signify not a distinction of blood, but a distinction of position, education and manners. The test is no longer good birth, or the right to bear arms, but the capacity to mingle on equal terms in good society. (Wikipedia)

The saying used to be "my word is my honor" today VERY few people have any honor in their life. So why be surprised when people lie, steal, or cheat. Ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend/ husband/wife cheat on you? Guess what it is because they have no morals!! Now I am not as old as some but then I am older then others in this school. I see what they are doing and I find it appalling that people would do such things. I will not tell you what I have heard because that would be gossiping and we know that I do not do that. The sad part is these things not only go on at school but in the work place also. Please do not misunderstand me I am not a perfect person I have my faults also, it is just that my fault are not for all of the world to see. And no I will not tell you what my faults are so do not ask.

I wish I could say that I always was a gentleman but that would be a lie so I can not say that. I have evolved from an country hick to a gentleman. Please do not say that cannot happen, if mankind can evolve from a monkey then I can evolve from a county hick or a pig or what ever I would like to.

Well if all goes well I will write some more when I get home

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Day 15995

Well let me rant and rave about what I wanted to start this blogg for. The government!!! Now I know most people have no problem with the government but I DO!!! If you do not have a problem with the government then you either do not care about your rights or your head is stuck in the sand. When I speak about the government I am talking from the White House right down to your local representative. This includes the Supreme Court and all Court systems in America. The sad facts are that the average American Citizen does not know what the Bill of Right say nor do they even have an idea about what the US Constitution says. I challenge everyone that reads this to follow the links and read each and every word of these important documents. Allow me to bring this one important FACT to your eyes. Read the Fifth and the Fourteenth amendment In short they say that nobody can take your possessions from you with out the due process of the law. That is all well and good but what if a state by their neglect causes you to lose your possessions? Do you have a right to seek reimbursement from that state? That is were the government has the upper hand from us the citizens. The state can seek restitution from you but you can not seek restitution from them. Yes this fact is in the Constitution. When the constitution was written over again I think it was Govner Morris that said "Sometimes things have to be changed over and over to get it right" Well I think it is time to change the Constitution so citizens that have a legitimate cause to seek restitution from a state can do so.
So tell me what do you think?

Day 15994

I am currently trying to completely put my music collecting back on my computer. I had to reinstall my OS it took about two hours just to reinstall it. Microsoft was helpful when I had to call them to get another OS disk. I had to pay $45.00 for it, but it is better then having to pay $199.00 for a new one. Word of advise never let your self get talked into putting a bootleg copy of any software on your computer. One day it will come back to haunt you.
Some people have many CD's me I have just a few. I just started getting a CD collection going. I signed up at BMG Music They have a very large selection to chose from. I enjoy the Oldies as in old style rock, country, bluegrass, gospel, jazz, R&B.
I will try to keep this up to date each day but as a student I have little time. I attend full time and hold down two part-time jobs.
I do not think that the government is fair in telling people that they do not want to see any child left behind with an education, but at the same time makes it VERY hard for the working poor to make it through collage. I have to work two jobs just so I can have money for food and personal items. Now I realize I live in the poorest state in the union but that should not matter.
Well I have to go to work. Have a great day and remember "It is just another beautiful day in paradise"

Day 15993

Well thanks to a young lady (Thanks Kim!!) that has a blogg that I found on the net I decided to create my own blogg. So this will be my thought and maybe some of your own thoughts.
Join me again as I develop this blogg thing. LOL