Saturday, March 19, 2005

Day 15995

Well let me rant and rave about what I wanted to start this blogg for. The government!!! Now I know most people have no problem with the government but I DO!!! If you do not have a problem with the government then you either do not care about your rights or your head is stuck in the sand. When I speak about the government I am talking from the White House right down to your local representative. This includes the Supreme Court and all Court systems in America. The sad facts are that the average American Citizen does not know what the Bill of Right say nor do they even have an idea about what the US Constitution says. I challenge everyone that reads this to follow the links and read each and every word of these important documents. Allow me to bring this one important FACT to your eyes. Read the Fifth and the Fourteenth amendment In short they say that nobody can take your possessions from you with out the due process of the law. That is all well and good but what if a state by their neglect causes you to lose your possessions? Do you have a right to seek reimbursement from that state? That is were the government has the upper hand from us the citizens. The state can seek restitution from you but you can not seek restitution from them. Yes this fact is in the Constitution. When the constitution was written over again I think it was Govner Morris that said "Sometimes things have to be changed over and over to get it right" Well I think it is time to change the Constitution so citizens that have a legitimate cause to seek restitution from a state can do so.
So tell me what do you think?


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