Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well it has been 1,881 days or over 5 years since I have posted to this blog. Man that is pretty bad, but the good news is that I AM BAACK!!! Well life goes on for me, I am still well correction I will be a student (again) in the summer of 2011. I did graduate with a Regents Bachelors degree in 2008. Yes that means I spent 7 years in college. As my daughter-in-law says "College the best 7 years of my life" LOL She swears she is going to buy me a t-shirt with that saying on it. The reason I am going back is because I have been without a job for over 1 year. My only option is to go back and get a specialized degree. At least I will come out with more choices then I currently have.

Yes, I still have problems with people that do stupid things. The sad part is these people breed which means there will never be a shortage of stupid people in this world. Stupid that is such a harsh word but ignorant does not apply to these people I know. See ignorant means uninformed or lack of education while stupid means lack of intelligent or common sense. Ignorant can be corrected but sadly stupidity cannot. See at one point in my own life I was ignorant. Then my friend Donnie Woods persuaded me to go to college because at that time we both were unemployed. Has it changed my life? In a way I never dreamed possible. I started college with a 9th grade education. I had never in my life work with Algebra or even seen it. Today I have passed all my Algebra classes up to and including Calculus. Now in my world that is a major accomplishment! Well football is coming on, so GO PACKERS!!! Make me proud!!

Goodnight Gracie.