Friday, March 25, 2005

Day 16001

Well what a day!! I sold a car to a person and then went to cash the check at HIS bank. I have only ran into this scenario one other time. The teller told me that I had to put my thumb print on the check before they would cash it!!! Now please tell me were does the bank have ANY legal authority to collect finger prints? Now you can call me crazy or paranoid but I WILL NOT give my finger print to no bank!!!!!! Come on people wake up do you not see that the government is taking ALL of our rights away one at a time. I am sure that nobody even knows that the founding father warned the future generation's that if government DID NOT do it's job as out lined in the constitution then we as American citizens were to disband the said government and start over with a new one, but we were to be very careful that what we were doing was not for a selfish cause. I am not a selfish person I want every body to have all of their right under the US constitution. If a person does nothing then they WILL take all of our rights. One of my rights is violated each and every day and so is yours!! If you do not believe in God then you have that right not too. If I do believe in God then that is my right also. Neither one of us have the right to tell the other one that they can or cannot practice their religious beliefs. That is what the FIRST AMENDMENT STATES!!!! Do not give me that uneducated bull about "separation of church and state." SORRY NOT IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS OR THE US CONSTITUTION READ IT YOUR SELF YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING!!!! That is the problem people are to LAZY to think for themselves or read things for themselves. They want to allow some person that has charismatic personality to tell them what some thing means. Hey has every one forgot about Jim Jones and his "Adventure in Jonestown" Or the other idiot Marshall Applewhite and his "Space Ship in the Tail of Halley's Comet." It would be funny if it was not so tragic. People listened to a charismatic person and died because they believed what he said and did not bother to read what the truth was. Do I know ALL of the truth? NO!! I DO NOT!!!!!! I am willing however to look at all sides to any argument and trust myself that I will make the right decision that is necessary.

Well at this point I want to wish my son happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD I hope you have a great day!! I LOVE YOU

Ok that was my sentimental side. Yes I am not always so critical of people. I TRY to still find the good in all people but some people make it very difficult for me to. LOL
Well "Goodnight Gracie"
Remember it is just "Another Beautiful Day in Paradise"


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