Monday, January 09, 2006

Day 16300

Well classes start back tomorrow and I have to get up at 6 am so I just want to say that I will try to keep up with my blogg this semester. I was reading about the confirmation hearings of Samuel Alito and I find it appalling that there are people in Washington that would rather look at some thing that a person done when they were in college then were they are now. Being in college I see student make dumb mistakes all of the time. Yes, some get away with it but other get caught, the ones that get caught get punished for it and some times it is not a nice place to find one selves in. The point is that a lot of students make unwise choices should that haunt them for the rest of their lives. Only if they continue to follow the path they are currently following.
Well remember
“It is another beautiful day in paradise”
“Good Night Gracie"

Day 16299

Well it is another beautiful day in paradise!! Was reading the Drudge Report about the weather and Barry Glassner, a professor of sociology at USC and the author of The Culture of Fear: Why Americans are Afraid of the Wrong Things, said "There is a human tendency to generalize from one set of events to another. If the recent hurricane season has been deadly, it follows that the winter season is going to be especially deadly even though they are unrelated. There is a natural tendency to extrapolate." Man does that speak truth about how some people listen to the news media and take it as gospel truth. After Hurricane Katrina came on shore in La., my local news media was telling people that gas was going to be $4 a gallon in the morning. There was a lot of people that went into a panic state and rushed into my store too get gas LOL I find it funny that people will swallow hook, line, and sinker the bull that the new gives out to a bunch of mindless people that do not use the brain that God gave them too think. Lets look at this logically if your car has a 11 gallon gas tank and gas is $2.75 gallon then it would cost you to fill up $30.25 (about you would have to include that 9/10 cent into the equation) lets say that gas went up 55 cent per gallon. That same 11 gallons of gas would now cost you $36.30, the difference of $6.25. That is the amount a lot people spend on lunch or more. More reasonablely, let us look how much people really put into their tanks. If they have an 11 gallon tank then they will not have to get 11 gallons but more like 5 to 8 gallons, which is at the most $4.40. Think about it people $4 dollars more to fill your tank that is not a whole lot. I would venture to say that most every person in America makes that much or more per hour. Does all of this remind you of Chicken Little? Drop an acorn on your head and the sky is falling LOL Well that is another grip I have about my fellow Americans. Many people do not think for themselves they listen to what some charismatic person tells them and believe every word of it. Just like in religion they listen to a man that says he has the truth but he is full filling his own agenda. What ever that agenda may be money, power, fame, notoriety, holiness, or what ever. He is there for his own purpose.
Well Goodnight Gracie

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day 16293

Well sorry folks it has been awhile since I have posted any thing just got caught up in my own little world. Lets see what has my favorite subject been up to today? Well since my last post I have seen and watched a supreme court justice elected and one died. It is sad to see that Justice Rehnquist has left us. He was man that was known to follow the letter of the law. Was he always right in his decision's? NO! He was a human, as the rest of us are, capable of making mistakes as anyone else is, but the difference is his decisions affected more people.

I would like to thank Juicy Fruiter for his e-mail. It brought me back to something that I had left undone for a little while and needed to get back too. Please check out his blogg here .

until next time remember "It is just another beautiful day in paradise"