Sunday, April 24, 2005

Day 16040

Well it has been a month since I have been able to update this. Sorry A lot has happened since then. Mrs. Schiavo has past away, I am sorry for the WHOLE family get over the facts that in YOUR opinion some body done something wrong and try to have compassion for the whole family. Ever lost your brother/sister/father/mother/son/daughter if not then you can not know what it feel like to lose someone that is that close to you.
I read were the states are going to cut some people out of the Medicaid program. Now I know that some people will whine and cry because some LAZY person cannot get free medical coverage. Want to pay for their hospital bill then pay for it out of your pocket. I can say that because I do not have any insurance myself and I do not have Medicaid/food stamps or any other Government interference in my life. I work two jobs and attend school Full time so I am not lazy in any way. Here is new idea for the Government how about raising the minimum wage for us poor people. They tried that and BIG BUSINESS cut it down. Hey here is another idea why not put Congress and our other representatives on a health care program like the rest of the citizen are on. Make sure that they also pay into social security so they can get the same benefits from it as others do. LOL IF that did happen then we would see a lot of things changing quickly. And while we are reforming that lets cut their wages down to the average pay for the working class also. The big fat bureaucrat's in Washington would quit then maybe some body could get elected that actually cared about the people they represent and not about themselves.
Well I have to go again. Have a beautiful day!