Monday, March 21, 2005

Day 15997

Well it is just another beautiful day in paradise!!! Just got done reading about the woman in FL. (again). If the Federal Government has the right(as it assumes it does) in this matter then that is taking away the Constitional rights of the states.
I can not help but compare this to the abortion issue in '73 . Back in 1973 the supreme court decided that a child in the womb of a woman was not a person therefore it dose not have the right to life as given by the constitution. This in itself reekes of communism. It was Hitler that decided what race,creed, or religion that survived. Now we have a Government that will decide who lives and who dies. Hey if you are different then what the Government thinks is the right "type" of person then you will die. Or if you are lucky enough to be the right "type" of person then you will live. That is exactly what Hitler done in the 30's. In the 30's if you lived in Germany and you were of a Jewish heritage then would be subject to the most horrific treatment known to mankind at that time. Please tell me what the difference is between the US government of 2005 and the communists Government of the 1930'S. Both decided what "type" of person can live and what "type" of person should die. You did read that there was a 7 month old baby (in Texas no less) that was taken off life support and allowed to die. Now please tell me were in the world was Congress at that time. You cannot use the cliche' that it was not a person because it was not born yet. IT WAS 7 MONTHs OLD!!!!! That child had just as much right to live on life support as Terri Schiavo has, but NO the Government would not intervene in that case. Does anybody else see the hypocrisies in the Government as I do. Or is nobody THINKING!!!
Or maybe nobody cares that a child dies and a 41 year old woman lives.
Has anybody ever thought about the financial implications in this abortion issue. According to the National Right to Life web site there has been over 40,000,000 (40 MILLION) abortions performed since 1973 lets look at a figure that may not be 100% accurate but it will be close
In 1950 1/8 of a person income was paid for taxes And they made about $1500 per year
In the 1990 a person paid 1/3 of their income in taxes and made about $20,000 per year
Now from 1973 until 1990 there were 25,426,000 abortions From 1990 until 2001 there were 15,385,820 abortions. Now assuming that each one of these unborn persons lived and did not start working until they were 17 years old each one would have made an average of about $25,824 per year that is $7,222,865,524,000 ( 7 Trillion Dollars) that would mean the Government would have collected about 2 Trillion dollars in tax's alone in ONE YEAR from these unborn people. That is more then the Government SPENT in 1992 (Goverment spend 1.45 trillion dollars in 1992) Now I will not go on and do the calculations for the period from 1990 until 2001. You do the math and you will see that it cost America money to abort babies. From an economic stand point it foolish to continue this self destruction. Want to know how they can fix Social Security? Quit killing them before they are born!!
Well have a beautiful day!!!


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